You want to know how to watch Tigers games, and are tired of searching for illegal streams… right? You know that Hanshin offers access to most of their games (top squad and farm alike), but for a price… right? So you go to their site and try to find the service. You see no English, only Japanese. You use a translation app/filter to get a terrible English rendering of what is up there. Even if you find Toratele somehow, you don’t want to put down money on something you’re not sure about… right? Fear not! And stop living in a Hanshin Black Hole! H-TEN’s got your back! (Note: These instructions are for signing up on PC, not smartphone – there might be different steps involved going that way.)
Click on this pic, then follow the pictures below!
In the top-right corner you should see two sets of Japanese words: 新規登録 (Sign up) and ログイン (login). Choose the one that applies to you – probably the first.
Pretty standard stuff next… create your login ID with your email address and any password of 4+ characters.

Your screen will then inform you to check your email inbox. If you have not received an email from Toratele, you can re-enter your email address after clicking on the yellow button.

Don’t worry about what the email says – just click on the only link in there, and then move ahead to the payment method.

Click on the yellow buttons that basically bring you closer to the actual payment screen…

Note: Since the consumption tax increase from 8% to 10% in October 2019, the cost is now ¥660 per month.
Choose your method of payment…

Note: PayPal payment is no longer an option in 2022.
Enter your credit card information…

And voila! You should be in! Here’s a bit more information…
You can:
– Watch games live or in retrospect, from start through hero interview – no inconvenient Japanese broadcasts cutting out early!
– View additional footage, interviews, and spring training action.
– Catch all the home farm games (though all of these, even road games, are currently streamable on Eleven Sports – though no longer free).
You can’t:
– Watch most road games. (To the best of my knowledge, only Yomiuri Giants home games are available on Toratele in 2022.) Unfortunately, the Central League in NPB has NO unity, and therefore no complete package. The Pacific League has their act together, but it might be another decade or two before the CL follows suit. Alternative is to sign up with DAZN, which gets mixed reviews for its 3-5 minute lag time. They do offer games from 11 different teams (no Carp) plus a ton of other sports, for a pretty reasonable price. However, NPB on DAZN is only available to those living in Japan, as far as I know.
Anyhow, hope this helps all of you who are looking for a legal and affordable way to catch full Hanshin Tigers games.