You can say what you want about the nature of this game ending in the top of the seventh with the Giants threatening to make it a close game. The fact of the matter is that the grounds crew know the field better than anyone, and they do not play favorites. When they can fix the field and make it playable, they do. When they can’t, well, sometimes you have muddy playoff games (like in 2017), but in other cases, games just have to end early. That was the case today, which in some ways is too bad, because I was having a blast watching my team beat up on the Giants! If this is how it has to end, I will gladly sing the rain song, kindly asking the precipitation to come back again tomorrow or Sunday if the circumstances are the same!

Anyone who was there (as we were) can tell you that the infield was mud after that downpour. Just like a couple of their idiotic fans who got kicked out of the right field bleachers for raising a ruckus, if the Giants don’t like it, they can go back back to Tokyo!
You nailed it. The grounds crew at Koshien is excellent. Just happened to work in our timing tonight. If the Giants wanted to win so badly they needed to act sooner.