In some ways, this series was doomed from the start. Under normal circumstances, the previous series against the Marines would have ended on Sunday late afternoon and the team would have had nearly 48 hours between the end of that series and the start of this one. Instead, because of a Friday night rainout, there was a make-up game Monday night, and it went 5+ hours, so our guys went to bed exhausted, only to wake up early and head for the second-farthest ballpark from home: Sendai. Sure, it was just the last-place Rakuten Eagles, but they still have talent – and were able to rest Sunday night and Monday. In any case… the team sputtered through Tuesday, came to life on Wednesday, and were an out from pulling off an undeserved win on Thursday (all four runs scored were unearned)… but the last batter of the game for the Eagles turned it from a Tigers series win to an Eagles victory. And so, we head to Hokkaido for a three-game set against the Fighters – our last chance to use a DH until the Japan Series.