Years in which these final games matter to the standings are few and far between, and this year is no exception. What can be said is that this season, we are the champs and it does not matter if we drop more games than we win! That said, it would be nice to see the team to put on a good performance. The first game of this series was viewable but the next two were really quite ugly for all intents and purposes, Yusuke Ohyama aside. The #4 hitter hit a bomb in each game, giving himself a chance at twenty on the year. But when last year’s ace walks six (and hits another, commits and error, and throws a wild pitch) while the rookie cries on the bench over a poor performance, that’s just not a good look for a team aiming to play in its first Japan Series in 9 years. Pull yourselves together in the next few weeks here, Hanshin Tigers!