It’s that time of year again, everyone! The Tigers’ quest to repeat as Central League and NPB champs begins at the end of the month! As we have done each of the past seven years, we would like to extend an invitation to you to send us an audio file of your Central League standings predictions for the upcoming season.
Here are the rules/procedures:
1) Introduce yourself and where you are sending from (country, city if you want), and give us a run-down of your prediction for the Central League standings from sixth through first. Include reasons or comments if you want, but keep your recording under two minutes, please.
Also, as a tiebreaker, fill in this blank: Yusuke Ohyama and Teruaki Sato will combine to hit __ home runs in the 2024 regular season.
2) Send the mp3 (or another easily playable file extension) to us no later than March 25, 2024, 11:59 pm JST. The first 10 audio files submitted will be aired during Episode 195 of the podcast. If there are more than that many, they will not be aired but will still be entered in the contest! Predictions in text format are also acceptable but are way less cool and will not be read on air due to time constraints.
3) Listen to the show (which is coming out a day or two before Opening Day) and share it on your social media, and hashtag #HTEN! Oh, and follow us if you are not currently doing so!
4) This season, as was the case last season, we will use a point system to determine the winner. For every correctly predicted spot in the standings, you receive two points. (In other words, a perfect prediction yields a score of +12.) For the teams you do not predict right, one point is deducted for each spot you missed them by. For example, if you pick the Tigers to finish 4th and they finish 1st, you get -3. The predictor with the highest overall point total wins the contest!
You will be contacted by H-TEN after Game 143 and lavished with praises and prizes!
Send your questions to us by email as well, if you have any. Looking forward to hearing from all of you!

[…] Hey listener! Use this episode to prepare yourself for your 2024 CL Standings prediction – and enter our contest for a chance at a great prize at season’s end (! […]