Though it received little notice or fanfare, H-TEN turned 10 years old as a website/blog on May 18. I also officially reached 200 episodes of the podcast (in just under nine years) earlier this week. The Japanese version of the podcast also has 25 episodes. On top of that, I have been doing Patreon for 4-5 seasons now, written JapanBall’s weekly newsletter for over seven, and a Daily Sports column (in English and Japanese!) for over six years. That is a ton of words, whether in print or audio format, coming from me to you!
I absolutely love doing all of these things. If I didn’t, I would not be doing them! I am blown away that people actually want to read (and listen to) what I have to say about the Hanshin Tigers and Japanese baseball in general. I started this whole thing with a very rudimentary knowledge of the game and its players. Some would argue that this is still the case, and I would not fight you for feeling that way. But I have definitely upped my game, even if only from sandlot level to Rookie League.
That said, there is a certain rhythm to things in life, both my own and others’. I was still a newlywed with an infant son when this project started. Now my kids are older and need more of my time, attention, and mental space. Furthermore, the reality for university lecturers in Japan is that they need to find a new position every 3-5 years. What does this mean? Well, the first year at a new position is very hectic, as we must figure out a new system, new curricula, new students, new textbooks, and more. Lesson plans have to be dismantled and reassembled. What worked at the last university might not work at the new one. For me, 2024 is one of those years… then again, so was 2023. And 2018. And 2015. So this is my fourth “new job” since H-TEN started. But not only is that first year busy, so is the year before that, when job applications, interviews, and more, make life quite stressful. The years in between are a little more relaxing but still require one to attend conferences, do presentations, and write papers for publication. I have put some of that on the backburner in order to produce H-TEN, but have realized that this is not the right way to move the career forward or make myself more hireable the next time this job cycle rolls around.
And so, at present, I simply do not have mental space to produce content on any of my platforms at a level I am satisfied with. Family and job need my brain, heart, and body, more than anything or anyone else. Compound that with a Tigers team that is not doing its job in 2024, and you get motivation problems, too. Before you object and say that the Tigers are doing their best, and still competing, I will remind you that sports mean different things to different people. For me, they are a way of releasing stress and getting little hits of dopamine when the right laundry emerges victorious. The 2024 Tigers have won more than they have lost (for now), but how many of those have been the feel-good type? Too many of them are really hard on the nervous system, would you agree?
So I have to be 100% frank with you – this year’s team is not doing anything for me. Should I continue to pour my time, energy, and money into something that leaves me feeling even more stressed at 9:00 pm than I was at 6:00 pm? The easy answer to the question is, NO!
I am going to keep this website up for a couple of months, without any updates, and come August 1 (when web hosting fees are due), I will either take it down, or dig deep into the coffers and let it occupy cyberspace for another 12 months. Either way, it has been a crazy fun ride… but all good rides must come to an end, right?
You can still catch me on Substack, but outside of that, I think I’m going to disappear from the internet for a spell. Thank you all again for your fandom, and for encouraging me all this time. You all deserve another championship in your lives.

You have made my own Tigers journey so much more pleasurable!
Having done similar projects (not baseball), I know your feelings & reasoning right now. It’s hard to step away, but sounds like the right decision
Best of Luck, and Thank you!
As I was trying to introduce new fans to the Tigers, I included your website as a very valuable resource for those trying to get into the Hanshin tigers. I am also a new fan having started followed them only after the WBC last year. I’ve since lurked and read as many articles from you, your website, and your podcasts. I thank you for what you have done and completely understand your situation. I wish you the best and do hope that you at least keep the lights on as there’s so many good articles and guides here.
Enjoy your time off, Trevor. You’ll never get those times you miss with your kids, so you’ve made a wise choice. You’ve set a high bar for English coverage of NPB baseball. I know you’ll be back at some point in the future. If Wayne Graczyk were still around, he would be very proud of how you’ve brought insights of Japanese professional baseball to the English-speaking world!
Thanks for your hard work. We all look forward to your return down the line.
I only discovered this earlier this year. It has been great learning about the team and becoming a fan. I will be travelling to Japan to see a game and this site helped me with a lot of great information in preparation for that. I am sure it will be a great experience and I have H-TEN to thank for that. The podcast is also fantastic – maybe my favourite part of the whole H-TEN experience.
I hope it is just a break and not the end…it sounds like it could go either way from the tone of the post. Whichever way it goes: thank you!!! You’ve done something amazing.