Book Reviews

Sadaharu Oh – Retrospect

Sadaharu Oh – Retrospect

I have a few general rules about baseball books I read, especially when it pertains to players: If possible, nothing from while they are still playing. (I have read Tomoaki Kanemoto‘s books and also Tsuyoshi Nishioka‘s book, but I purposely ignored Takashi Toritani‘s.) I want to read the first one they put out after their…

Remembering Japanese Baseball

Remembering Japanese Baseball

The way things have been going in the world recently, the timing of reviewing this book seems apt. Do you remember Japanese baseball? It really hasn’t been that long since we’ve watched the game, but it sure feels that way. This “time off” has given me an opportunity to read through a book that I…

Katsuya Nomura – Baseball Know-How

Katsuya Nomura – Baseball Know-How

While not really a Bible of baseball know-how or biographies, it definitely gave me a fuller idea of who has shaped the game and how. Most importantly, it has added to my respect and appreciation for one of the most influential men in the history of baseball in Japan. Good instructional booklet for a wannabe like me.

Mister Tigers – Fumio Fujimura

Mister Tigers – Fumio Fujimura

Having already done a few dozen player profiles about guys I never got a chance to see play, I love going back and reading some of the older books written about Tigers legends. This particular book was published soon after the death of Fumio Fujimura, who lived to the age of 75. Given the timing…

An Ambush of Fierce Tigers

An Ambush of Fierce Tigers

Many of you know that I have been writing a column for Daily Sports for the past year or so. It’s been a really good experience for me, and has helped me improve my Japanese writing skills immensely. I owe much of the credit to my editor, who also happens to be the author of…

Tear-and-Laughter-Inducing Data

Tear-and-Laughter-Inducing Data

It was probably some time during the peak of my book-buying spree. I saw this title, this book cover, and couldn’t resist. You see, most of the books I buy are just a few yen plus shipping, and I figured, “Can’t really lose, can I?” I wouldn’t say I lost by buying this book which…