Opinion Pieces

Spring Training Days 1-6 — Pitchers

It was great to see many of the players up closely during the first week of spring training down in Okinawa last week. After terrible bouts with illness, I am finally ready to start processing what I saw and share it with you all. Part 1 was about the fielders (catchers excluded), this one will…

Spring Training Days 1-6 — Fielders

I was in Okinawa for the first week of spring training, but needed a day of recovery on February 4th. The players started on February 1st and are slated to bring things to a close on the 28th before returning to Kansai on February 29th. This session will look at the fielders, the next one at pitchers…

Two to Watch in 2016

Two to Watch in 2016

Two of our most promising prospects took part in the winter league in Taiwan back in early December. They both finished with decent numbers against inferior competition, but hopefully can parlay that into regular playing time on the big team either this year or next. Shintaro Yokota, OF (20): .304, 2 HR, 11 RBI Naomasa…

Book Review – Hanshin Strategy as Seen by Scorers

First of all, what is a “scorer” (スコアラー) anyways? Before picking up Hiroshi Miyake’s memoirs, I would not have thought of them as anything more than guys who keep track of each at bat in a game – tracing lines on a scoresheet to indicate which runners made it how far in every inning of…

Starting a Little Controversy?

Starting a Little Controversy?

The other day I caught word on Twitter that newcomer Matt Hague‘s uniform number would be #36. So I retweeted it and tagged the man: My boy @mdhague Matt Hague is to wear #36 this coming season. Can’t wait to see him in pinstripes! #hanshin #tigers https://t.co/uJSd3hrnfa — T-Ray (@thehanshintiger) December 28, 2015 He was…

Book Review – Murton’s Bible

Book Review – Murton’s Bible

Anyone who has followed Matt Murton while he played for the Hanshin Tigers knows that the man is a Christian, and a vocal one at that. While his faith may not appeal to everyone, there are certainly people within the Christian community that root for him based solely on his beliefs. Contrarily, there are people…